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    Cutting Text from the Database and Pasting it.

         F1 (pick Cut & Paste)

         or use the Quick Keys

         F7 or ALT-C

         Activates the Cut and Paste Routine. The Cut and Paste feature
         lets you paste text into your program (usually an editor or
         word processor). Once you have activated the Cut and Paste
         routine, use the cursor pad (arrow keys, etc.) to highlite a
         block of text. When finished press ENTER, Expert Help will
         pop-down and the text block will be written into you editor.

    Using Cut and Paste:

        What line am I initially on?
        In the short entry use the highlight bar as your reference.
        In the long entry EH provides you with an arrow in the left
        border of the window. This arrow indicates the current line.

        Activating Cut and Paste.
        With the Display Window popped up, and in either a long or short
        entry, press ALT-C (or pick "Cut & Paste" from the Options Menu).
        This will turn block marking on.

        Highlighting the Text Block.
        Use the cursor pad to highlight the block.

            Block marking only works from "top to bottom". If you marking
            line ever becomes less than the first block line, Block marking
            is automatically turned off. You are free to as many or as few
            lines as you like as long as you don't move above the first
            blocked line. If you UpArw/PgUp/Home above your block area
            (turning off the Cut and Paste routine), simply press Alt-C
            again and move down to the end of the text that you want to mark.

        Pasting the Text
        Press ENTER. Pasting will begin.

        Aborting the Block Marking
         During Block Marking you can shut off the Cut and Paste process by:

              1. Pressing the ESCape key.
              2. Pressing ALT-C again.
              3. Make the end of the block less than the beginning.

            Since EH is stuffing the keyboard, the is no way to abort pasting
            once it has begun...other than a cold boot.

            Because some programs react strange to certain characters EH
            replaces ASCII 0 - 31 with the space character.

        Programs with AUTO_INDENTING:
            If you paste text into an editor that has auto-indenting ON.
            The editor will probably place additional indenting into the
            pasted text (always pushing the text toward the right). If
            you experience this in your editor, you can solve the problem
            by switching auto-indent OFF...mark and paste your text...turn
            auto-indent ON.

            Example (when using TURBO C):
                     To turn AUTO-INDENT OFF by pressing
                     CTRL-O-I or CTRL-Q-I

                     Pop-up EH, press ALT-C, mark a block.
                     Press ENTER to paste text at cursor.

                     To turn AUTO-INDENT ON by pressing
                     Ctrl-O-I or Ctrl-Q-I.

            Unfortunately, some programs like BRIEF 2.x require you to
            run SETUP to shut off AUTO-INDENT.

        Cut and Paste works by stuffing characters into the keyboard
        buffer, returning control to the foreground program which then
        retrieves the characters. EH then takes back control and stuffs
        more characters into the keyboard buffer. This loop continues
        until the entire block of text that you have highlighted is pasted.

        Because of this, special care should be taken when pasting to the
        DOS prompt.


See Also: Cut and Print
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson